By Lillie Qiu

Two local plant enthusiasts have teamed up to try and solve the problem of what to do with used plant pots. 

Simon Payn, the founder of Grounded, a local ecological landscaping company, and Baz Conlin, of Haliburton Micromeadows, a native plant grower, came up with the idea because they saw a need to recycle old plant pots in order to better the environment. 

And so ‘The Great Haliburton Plant Pot Drive’ was born. The initiative is for anyone who has empty plant pots they want to get rid of. 

Payn doesn’t want people to throw their used plant pots away or put them in the recycling, as they can be reused.  

“I thought, how can we fix that problem?” said Payn. 

By participating in the plant pot drive, people will be doing their bit to help the environment, according to a promotion for the drive.

“One of the great embarrassments of our industry is the amount of plastic we use. We’re creating gardens that are good for the environment, but at the same time we’re using a lot of plastic. We want to fix that,” said Payn. 

Plastic horticultural pots are largely single-use, and the majority of them will end up in landfills. Improperly disposed of plastic pots contribute to environmental pollution. 

The initiative has received hundreds of pots, according to Payn, in all different sizes. Payn notes the pots should be in good shape for them to be usable. He prefers the four-inch ones that most people buy plants in, as opposed to the larger plastic ones. 

Conlin added, “this is a win-win. It’s good for the environment because it keeps plastics out of the waste stream and it allows growers to provide native plants at a lower cost.”  

Used pot plants can be dropped off at 123 Maple Ave., behind Lucas House. There is a place set up in the green cage next to the parking lot.