As the season has come to end, as the coach, I am so proud of all the boys and girls. We ended the season in fourth overall and lost out to go to the semi-finals by one goal.

We had one player, Reed Brown, that had an incredible season. In only his second year of hockey he was tied for overall points in all LL divisions and lead the U11 LL division in overall points as well as in the regular season.

Our captain Kora Reid was the backbone of our team and was the best person to take on that roll. Harper Hamilton (first time playing hockey) and Jaxon Demerchant both finished 16th and 23rd overall in points as well.

Also, I have to mention that every player on the team either scored a goal or had an assist, which show how much we played as a team to have everyone get a point.

All the other players showed so much improvement throughout the year. The team came together after the Christmas break and only lost one game.

Myself and all the other coaches; Jeff, Mike, and Jamie are so proud of our boys and girls.

Lastly, I need to speak of our AP U9 players. Nolan and Cohen Carpenter and Jackson Little. They supported all year from the stands and at practice until they were able to play. The three boys were a vital part of our success once they joined us as well.