Pennies from heaven for prize winners


The penny raffle returned to Wilberforce arena July 15 after being impacted by COVID. It’s been going on for the last 20 years and is a huge fundraising event for the community.

Kathy Rogers, of the Wilberforce FUNraising group said, “it’s amazing how many items were donated this year to the penny raffle.” Donations came from community members and businesses.

People were able to purchase a card of tickets for $25, go around to all the different items, and place their tickets in the bucket for a chance to win that item. There was also a snack bar with cotton candy, children’s games and a hat-making station. Another big hit was Pockets The Clown, making balloon animals for the children.

All of the profits will be going to The Red Cross Outpost and The Wilberforce Agricultural Fair Board. Rogers said their proceeds will go towards community development in the Wilberforce area.

She added they don’t have an exact number yet but can guarantee, based on previous years, that each organization will receive at least $1,000.

Some big prizes were won Saturday night. A Grade 8 grad placed $90 worth of tickets to win a bike. Unfortunately, none of his tickets were drawn. However, the winner donated the bike to the student.

Another big win was for a first time visitor to the event, who won Toronto Maple Leaf tickets. Anyone attending the penny raffle was also encouraged to go across the street to the Lloyd Watson Centre to enjoy a spaghetti dinner.