Trainee builders’ bunkie up for auction

Photo submitted by SIRCH Community Services

SIRCH Community Services’ Basics of Carpentry Trainees tested their skills by constructing a bunkie complete with a cedar door, glass windows, and a steel roof.

Now Highlanders can place a bid on the building. 

Student Marhti Crowley said it was challenging but rewarding to build. 

“It is surprising how capable a group of people who have never touched a power tool in their lives can get with a little bit of training and the right kind of training,” she said. 

The auction is live on and will run until the end of May. The bunkie has an estimated value of $7,999.00. It’s 104 square feet, small enough to be placed without a building permit. 

Instructor Doug Norris said he’s proud of the students in the program who have spent months honing fine carpentry, framing, finishing, sanding, measuring and cutting skills. 

“Watching the whole thing emerge out of little pieces of materials and skills. How do you cut something, how do you fasten something, and then the whole structure rises up,” he said. “It’s very satisfying to see that.” 

The program was also unique, Crowley said, because it enrolled slightly more women than men, and many of the participants were older. 

SIRCH will host a Basics of Carpentry graduation Thursday May 19 at the SIRCH Bistro on Highland Street, starting at 5:30 p.m.