Witches gather for high-flying Abbey Gardens fire show by NorthFIRE Circus


Fire dancers and aerial acrobats are coming to Abbey Gardens Oct. 22 and Oct. 23 for “Theatre on FIRE: The Witches.”

It’s a collaboration between NorthFIRE Circus, a troupe that’s performed multiple times at the Gardens, and The Bass Witch Coven.

“We are drawing the parallels with the story of the witches with our own feminism,” said NorthFIRE and Bass Witch member Jessica Clayton. “It’s about witches being healers, powerful women in society who were oppressed.”

The show revolves around three central character in neopagan tradition: the Maiden, the Mother, and the Crone.

“We kind of take that story and use it to perform our fire dance and be powerful women on stage, hopefully inspiring people to come to our performance, both men and women alike,” Clayton said.

“The Witches” is produced, performed, and choreographed by women.

“It’s going to be a very different show,” said Clayton, mentioning how the choreography, production and style have changed from their show last year.

And it falls right near Halloween when all things witches and magic are top of mind for many.

“It falls on a time of year we really love to perform this kind of a show, bringing that really powerful feminine energy but also it’s in the spirit of Halloween.”

NorthFIRE dancers celebrate the season with flaming batons and ropes as well as using aerial silks to perform twirling acrobatics, all to the electronica of Toronto-based producer Jonah K.

Alongside the performers will be a custom-made projection display by artist Jax A Muse.

All attendants will be seated in physically-distanced circles in the Gardens’ Little Pit gravel pit.

Proof of vaccination is mandatory, and those over 12 must show their vaccination along with a government-issued ID.

NorthFIRE Circus is a performance troupe that has toured extensively around Ontario, bringing shows such as “From Chaos to Calm” and last year’s performance of “The Witches”  to the Highlands.

“We’ve really realized how important performing and bringing artistic experiences to rural Ontario is for us,” said Hoops.

Tickets for “Theatre on Fire: The Witches’ are available at northfirecircus.com/the-witches