Highlands Opera Studio (HOS) is embarking on a “daring” new year-long project through 2025 – with lead Valerie Kuinka, inviting the Haliburton County community along for the ride.
‘Let’s Make an Opera’ is a grass-rootslevel production designed to encourage participation in local theatre, Kuinka said. One of four professional mentors involved, the long-time HOS co-artistic director says the goal is to take three-to-four stories based on life, or experiences, in Haliburton County and spin them into a series of short operatic features.
The project is supported through a $97,400 grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF).
“We want to encourage people who are not familiar with opera to dispel the preconceptions and take a chance to try something new,” Kuinka said. “All opera is, is stories supported by music and theatre. So, we are bringing the entire process of creating an opera front and centre to people in Haliburton County.”
The first step, Kuinka said, is finding good source material. She’s spent the past month gathering stories from the public – everything from historically significant events from the Highlands’ past to cute and quirky quips from a memorable weekend at the cottage.
“The idea is the stories will all come from, or feature in some way, Haliburton County. It can be a personal story, or just a random anecdote from life. But it must be told by someone that lives here, and has an experience born here,” Kuinka said.
Kuinka’s daughter – professional soprano, singer and songwriter, Lauren Margison, is also involved. So, too, composer Danika Lorén and percussionist Michael Murphy. Between them, the quartet have decades of experience performing professionally and know what it takes to put together an impactful show.
Kuinka said she hopes people will come forward to fill a selection of roles – both on-stage and behind the scenes.
Workshops will begin in April, focusing on setting the selected stories to a musical background. Kuinka said each piece will be 15 to 30 minutes long and will boast its own dedicated team.
“We need wordsmiths, musicians, performers, artists to assist with props, people with stage direction experience, set designers,” Kuinka said, noting no training is required for most behind-the-scenes roles. To be involved in a performance, she added, “you must be able to sing in tune.”
Regular meetings will be held virtually through spring and summer, with a second workshop scheduled for August – with all components coming together for a series of rehearsals.
Kuinka said the idea is to create a heartwarming production for the community, from the community. After spending years supporting and training aspiring musicians through the Highlands Opera Community School and ‘Pay What You Can’ singing programs, Kuinka said she sees this as another way of giving back – and allowing people the chance to peek behind the curtain.
“This is about the people of Haliburton County owning their story. Opera does not have to be professional singers in a big theatre with a full orchestra in a major city. In fact, it’s much more exciting creatively working with smaller operas – this is what we would like to share at home in Haliburton,” she said.
Final performances will take place in November at a to-be-determined location.
Anyone wishing to participate can contact Kuinka at valerie@highlandsoperastudio. com.
Fundraising concert
Celebrating its 19th season this summer, HOS is hosting a fundraising concert at Jane Mallett Theatre in downtown Toronto Feb. 9.
The bill features internationally renowned soprano Christine Goerke, mezzo-soprano Simon Genga, tenor Scott Rumble, Samuel Chan and Margison in solos and ensembles from opera, musical, theatre and jazz, accompanied on piano by Timothy Cheung and Vladimir Soloviev.
Kuinka noted reduced holiday pricing for the summer season has been extended until Jan. 31. This year’s features include: Richard Margison Masterclass July 29; From Opera to Broadway July 31; Why Choose Opera Aug. 5; Pop Goes the Opera! Aug. 7; Casual Song Soirée Aug. 12; Orfeo Ed Euridice Aug. 14; Music on the Water Aug. 16; Homecoming: HOS Alumni in Concert Aug. 18; and The Merry Widow Aug. 21-25.
Tickets are available through the HOS website.