Enough is enough


With provincial and federal elections on the horizon this year, naturally there’s only one name on the lips of both seasoned and prospective politicians in Canada – U.S. president Donald Trump. 

It’s been a long-running joke, certainly for the 18 years I’ve lived in Canada, that people pay way more attention to the political scene south of the border than the one on their doorstep. 

While I’ve never been able to fully comprehend it, recently I’ve started to understand why. The public has become so disconnected and disillusioned following years of political gaffes, mishandlings, and controversies – at all levels – that politics has become little more than a pantomime for most. 

Thanks in large part to parts of the mainstream media, talk around the dinner table has shifted from how the latest policy, investment or budget cut will impact their lives, to whatever outfit the flavour-of-the-day politician wore that day.

You might think I’m being facetious there but bear with me.

When prime minister Justin Trudeau visited India in 2018, pretty much the only thing people picked up on was how ridiculous they thought he looked donning traditional Indian attire. Macleans, which promotes itself as “Canada’s magazine” dedicated an entire story to the supposed debacle, while circling back to an array of outfits Trudeau had worn on other international and domestic endeavours, dubbing him ‘The Mr. Dressup prime minister’. 

Politics, it seems, is viewed more as entertainment these days than anything else. The problem is, with each passing election, more and more people are turning off the proverbial television. 

Voter turnout has seen a steady decline for decades. The last time the country saw more than 70 per cent of people participate was 1992, when 71.8 per cent voted. Numbers have swayed from the low-to-high 60s ever since, with a record low of 58.8 per cent in 2008. 

Things are even more concerning provincially – voter turnout hasn’t exceeded 70 per cent since 1971. In the last seven votes stretching back to 1999, the average participation is 52.42 per cent – including an embarrassing 44 per cent last time out in 2022. 

The Haliburton-Kawartha Lakes-Brock ridings are no exception. Federally, voter turnout has averaged 66.23 per cent through the past four elections – in line with the national average. 

It’s hard to determine an average for the past four provincial polls – turnout in 2022 was a record-low 48.14 per cent, down from 54.98 per cent in 2011. Averages weren’t listed for 2014 and 2018, only totals – 52,839 people voted 11 years ago, and 57,143 four years later. Only 49,292 of a possible 101,416 voted in 2022. 

I lay the blame directly at the feet of those running and elected to serve us. 

In today’s Highlander, we offered MPP Laurie Scott, Haliburton-Kawartha Lakes-Brock Liberal Association president Judi Forbes, and local Green Party candidate Tom Regina an opportunity to share some thoughts ahead of the Feb. 27 provincial vote. They all largely spent their time talking about premier Doug Ford, with a sprinkling of Trump. 

I gave them all the chance to discuss local issues and priorities.Forbes did later follow-up with some Liberal priorities. Scott touched on healthcare, continuing to blame Haliburton Highlands Health Services for the closure of the Minden ER, but no platforms were presented. No innovative ideas. Nothing to give people hope in, let’s be honest, pretty desperate times. 

There are really concerning issues all around us, things like homelessness, food insecurity, rampant drug use – which is sparking an increase in crime. The Haliburton Highlands OPP reported a 15.7 per cent increase to the number of Criminal Code and Provincial Statute charges laid locally last year. 

Enough is enough. It’s beyond time for real change in our political spectrum. And it must begin with the people wanting to represent us. 

We, the public, play an important role too. Simply switching off is not the answer. We need to challenge those who do put their names forward to find solutions. Hold them accountable. Expect them to show up and be there when the proverbial poop hits the fan.

The malaise has to stop. Either that, or we’re doomed to repeating the same cycles of mediocrity that have been allowed to fester for so long.