Science clear on deer


For a while on Monday morning, Monika Melichar of Woodlands Wildlife Sanctuary thought a deer that had to be euthanized after a vehicle-deer collision in front of the new A&W was ‘Mooch.’

That is the name affectionately given to a young deer that has been looking for hand-outs in the Independent parking lot in Haliburton.

By all reports, the rather cute-looking deer is getting exactly what it wants; plenty of apples, carrots and other food from shoppers. Some are even petting it.

In doing so, they are taking the ‘wild’ out of this wildlife.

‘Mooch’ could have easily been the deer that was killed following that collision en route to his favourite restaurant. It’s likely the animal that was killed was headed to a human feeding area.

I’m not immune to a cute-looking deer, but I have never fed one in the wild and never will.

I have read so many Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry reports on why we should not feed deer. I have written numerous stories in my time here at The Highlander. And, yet, the message does not seem to be getting across to some people.

So, let’s go over it… again.

Feeding deer the wrong food can cause digestive problems, such as bloating, diarrhea, and even death. 

Feeding deer can lead to overpopulation, which can harm the deer and other wildlife. 

Feeding deer can increase the risk of disease transmission among deer and other animals. 

Feeding deer can attract predators, such as wolves and coyotes, which can increase the risk of death for deer. 

Feeding deer can increase the risk of vehicle collisions as deer cross roads to get to feeders. 

Feeding deer, and then suddenly stopping, can cause stress-related deaths. 

I can’t figure out why people can’t appreciate wildlife from a distance. It isn’t hard to keep household waste, compost, and pet food out of reach of wild animals. If you really need to see them, instead of coaxing them with human food, improve the natural habitat on your property to attract wildlife. I’d rather they eat your trees and shrubs than corn. And, of course, work with your neighbours to help keep wild animals wild. 

I understand the mentality of feeders. They think the animal is cute. They like to see them up close and personal. They are worried the deer are starving in winter. They think they are saving their lives.

They are not. An average of a deer a day – but usually more than one – are killed in Haliburton County, often crossing a road to get to a feeding area. Feeding them corn will eventually kill them. How in the world will they ever be able to go back to the wild, and hunt and gather like a normal deer should, when people are hand feeding them apples and carrots. They do not stand a chance. 

We have a huge problem. Dysart et al has tried to help by implementing a bylaw preventing feeding. People who think they know better continue to ignore it. Bylaw resources are limited in terms of tracking down all the bylaw breakers and fining them. Others are employing technicalities to get around the rules. 

We, as a community, must come together on this issue once and for all. 

The science is clear. Do not feed deer.