Harcourt got a new playground, next to its community centre this past weekend.

The playground is for kids and teenagers, and includes a couple of slides, a multi-person spinner, similar to a teeter-totter but one can rock on it, and several climbing elements. The playground comes in vibrant colours, such as purples and teal blues.

“We wanted to make sure we had different elements for everybody to enjoy and be able to come up and parallel play or co-play with other people,” said Andrea Mueller, the programs and events manager with the Municipality of Dysart et al.

The playground cost $150,000 and was funded by an Ontario Trillium Foundation grant.

MPP for Haliburton-Kawartha Lakes-Brock, Laurie Scott cut the ribbon.

A member of the township’s parks and recreation department, Ryan Akey, was also at the event. Scott acknowledged the government grant and the impact on the community.

Lindsay Watling, a parent of a child who will be using the playground, and a committee member for getting the playground, said, “we’re far from Haliburton, even though we’re Dysart, and we don’t get the same amenities as the Dysart ‘in town’ get. So, for us to have this new space and a space that all ages can play in, is a huge deal. It’s going to be a game-changer for all ages of kids coming out to play, rather than just what we had here, which was very limited.”

Watling added it was a challenge to stretch $150,000 to make the playground, but was proud to have been a part of it. “I’m just happy that the kids have a space now to come and play. Because really, that’s what it’s all about,” Watling said.

Jenann Gadway, another parent and committee member, echoed Watling and said she is excited to see her son play in the new playground.

“I think it also puts us on the map. Harcourt is a little far from Dysart, so it puts us on the map, for sure. I’m just excited to have somewhere to just hang out.”

Gadway loves the new playground, from the climbing apparatuses to the colours, to how it caters to toddlers and teenagers. “I think we will encourage people to travel into the little village of Harcourt and use our amenities. We have the beautiful community centre, we have the park, and we have the rink, and that’ll encourage people to come and spend money at our convenience stores, eat at our restaurants, and it will just bring more people to this community,” Gadway said.