The Haliburton and District Lions Club presented a $250 cheque to Katie Woodward Aug. 6. Woodward is taking part in her third Sick Kids Great Cycle Challenge to fight childhood cancer earlier this month.

The cheque presentation was at the train at the high school. Woodward said, “when I heard about the cause, it really spoke to me. My husband has dealt with cancer, I’ve got friends who have cancer, and I can’t imagine how hard it is as an adult, I can’t imagine a child going through that. I cycle anyway, so why not do some good while cycling?”

Woodward’s goal is to ride a minimum of 500 km this August. Her goal for this year was to raise $7,000 but she’s already surpassed that by raising close to $7,500 and hopes to raise $8,000.

“What I hope for is that more people get involved.” On Aug. 10 at 10 a.m., Woodward did a group ride with the Haliburton ATV Association. The ride was from Cemetery Road in Gelert to Haliburton.

Cyclists and ATV riders don’t typically mix, except on multi-use trails. The ATV association will also be donating financially to the cause and donating time to help raise more awareness and money for kids cancer.

The link to donate is katiewoodward.