The new owner of the former Wedgewood Marina on 12 Mile Lake is planning to build a small resort on the property.

Ronen Ifraimov said he was driving through Haliburton County for the first time when he noticed the property up for sale. A developer and builder from the Greater Toronto Area, it caught his eye.

“I was meeting a few colleagues up north for a retirement home project, and on the way back I saw this land for sale, and the moment I saw it, I had a vision.”

He noted the buildings and property were run down and thought, “what a shame, such a beautiful lake, such a beautiful area.” He contacted his realtor, and was soon in negotiations with the former owners. The sale was recently completed.

One of the first things he has done is purchase the boat launch as part of the sale. He said it will remain open to the public. He has already put in a new docking system, valued at $120,000. Ifraimov added he plans to replace the gas tank and pump to offer fuel to boaters. He emphasized the new entity will not be a marina, but he has purchased insurance to cover the launch and will offer gas. As for other marina services, he is happy to speak with potential operators who can independently offer boaters launch, servicing, winterizing, transport and storage options.

Public boat launch will be retained

Ifraimov said he initially had no intention of getting involved in boat launching, but after reading newspaper articles in The Highlander, documenting how residents along the lake chain would be impacted by the loss of their launch, he changed his mind. Though insurance is costing “an arm and a leg” since they are not a marina, Ifraimov said he wanted to get off on the right foot with neighbours.

“It’s going to be my second home, it’s going to be my resort, my kids’ resort, I want to take care of it like my own.

“I obviously had a concern because no one could launch their boats. I didn’t want to be the guy that’s taking over a property where I ruin it for everybody,” he added.

He is allowing the public to use the launch for free this summer and autumn. Some boats are also using the slips free of charge. He will have to charge next year but said rates would be reasonable. “Even if I charged $100, which I won’t, it will not cover my insurance. It’s basically public service.”

Small resort

He has also spent $150,000 on fencing. Overall, Ifraimov said they are looking to invest $6-8 million into a small resort.

He does not yet have architectural plans, but is envisioning a two-storey motel, a large cottage for families to rent on the hill, smaller, two-storey timber chalets closer to the water, and an Italian restaurant. He’ll also have housing for his family and out-of-town tradespeople. However, he said they will try to use local workers when they can. He thinks it will take six-to-eight months to get plans and then it will be a year or two until construction, depending on how things proceed with the Township of Minden Hills.

Ifraimov, originally from Israel and coming to Canada at the age of nine, runs Perfectly Built, owns a company called Art Farms in the Ontario Food Terminal and is also at the helm of Deluxe Produce, all in the GTA. He said his firm is currently building 62 homes in Dundalk, and is about to start construction on a retirement home in Walkerton.

On 12 Mile, he said he would eventually be tearing down all of the existing structures and building anew. Until then, he said they’ll have the launch and gas, and likely keep the barbecue shack open.

He said it is a personal – as well as a business – investment. “Because where we start, we continue. We will eventually want to build other things; whatever the County is looking for.

“I’m going to come here a lot. This town is going to be part of my family. it’s something we would want to take care of dearly from our heart and build relationships with everybody. We want to make sure it turns out perfect.”

He encouraged anyone with questions to call him at 416-825-4827.