The Haliburton Highlands Amazing Race is now open for registration, with Aug. 17 the date for a fun day that will double as a money-raiser for the Minden Community Food Centre.

Anna Froebe and Renate Black have organized the event.

Froebe said she had been in two car rallies in Hillsburgh, prior to COVID19, and before she moved to Minden. One year she did it with her husband, another with a girlfriend.

“I had so much fun. And I always thought in the back of my mind, ‘wouldn’t it be fun to do something like this when we move to Minden?’” Froebe said.

She began putting something together and then the pandemic hit “and it put everything on the backburner.” After COVID, she met Black “and it raised its head, and I thought let’s try this, to see if Renate is interested, and I had some ideas and a file and I thought let’s see if we can put something together.” They’ve been planning the event for the past eight to 10 months.

Because it is one-day only, they decided to hold it in Minden this year, due to timing.

The race is for nine couples aged 50-plus. It does not have to be married couples. It can be friends, for example. Participants are being encouraged to create a team name and wear an outfit on the day, such as matching T-shirts and ball caps.

The two explained it will be like a car rally. After meeting at the Minden community centre, participants will undergo a shotgun start and be directed to nine locations where they will be required to complete different activities. Activities can be physical or intellectual and may require problemsolving, negotiation, communication, and cooperation. All activities will be measured to provide a score that will be used to award prizes at the end of the day. Bonus points can be earned throughout the community as well, by completing other tasks.

The two wanted to let the community know that participants may approach them, or businesses, for help or to ask for items.

“Don’t be surprised to see unusual or strange shenanigans done in the community on that day,” Froebe forewarned.

She and Black added they are working with the Minden Community Food Centre. All participants will be asked to donate non-perishable food items as part of their $20 registration. They’ll also donate towards a food platter for an after-race barbecue party at Froebe’s house.

They are seeking sponsors and volunteers. Their other ask is for prizes from local businesses.

“Any funds collected that are not used for prizes will be donated directly to the Minden Community Food Centre,” they said.

Froebe said while it’s like The Amazing Race television show, it is different, as it is fun and not competitive. At one station, they will get to choose between two different challenges.

Froebe and Black said while it’s been a blast to organize, it’s also been a lot of work.

“The first year you have to think it all through really carefully and we set everything up on Google docs but once you’ve got it, it’s a matter of just tweaking it,” Black said. Froebe added if they do it again next year, the challenge will be to keep it fresh.

Registration opened May 20 for the non-alcoholic public event. All interested participants or sponsors can email