One of the County’s most unique communities is set to expand at the West Guilford landfill.

Attendants Bill Waind and Craig Rose say they plan to continue a tradition started by a former colleague, Mason Gordon, where they will spare special items residents have thrown out from wasting away at the landfill. Instead, they will be given a new lease on life and featured in rolling displays – helping to greet people when they arrive at the dump.

It all started in September 2018, when a resident wanted to dispose of a large teddy bear they had won at the Canadian National Exhibition (CNE) in Toronto.

“I was actually working that day – someone came in with this huge monkey, they said it was too big and they didn’t want it taking up space at their house, so they were getting rid of it,” Waind said. “I thought we could do something with it, save it from going to waste. I kept it to one side for Mason, who was the main attendant.”

Gordon constructed a home for the monkey beside the attendant’s shed, naming the stuffed toy Wes Guilford. Since then, the monkey has served as the landfill’s official mascot.

Since becoming a full-time attendant in the fall, Waind has spent time adding to Wes’ surroundings. There’s a mannequin Waind saved a month ago, which he dresses up in different outfits using clothes that have been disposed of. There’s a bench and mini table and chair set surrounding a campfire, with a tent standing behind. Plastic flowers adorn the set.

“I wanted to brighten the place up a bit, doing my best to make it look like something more than a dump,” Waind said. “I’m here 44 hours a week – it’s fun seeing what I can come up with. I like putting smiles on people’s faces, and people definitely smile when they come through and see what we have.

“Mason started all of this, I just want to continue, maybe turn it into a fun tradition,” he added.

John Watson, the township’s environmental manager, said the display has been well received by the community. He credited Gordon, Waind, and Rose for the work they’ve done.

“It’s great to see them have such pride in the site. I love to see the landfill attendants rise to the occasion and repurpose different things in unique ways and just make the site more inviting to the public,” Watson said.

This week is waste and recycling workers appreciation week in Ontario. Watson said Dysart has 12 landfill attendants working across five sites during the summer.

“These guys in West Guilford set a great example – our mantra is to reuse and recycle as much as possible, and they’re embracing that every day,” Watson added.

Waind promised there will be a Canada Day-themed display debuting soon, while he has plans to spruce up other areas of the landfill. He’s already replanted flowers disposed of by Country Rose in wooden barrels that he’s placed along the path to the tipping face. There will also be decorations around the new area for light bulb and fixture drop-off.

“Someone’s trash is somebody else’s treasure and I think we’re showing that in the best way we can,” Waind said.

People can keep up with Wes’ movements and new displays at guilford.