Pat Bradley and Gail Simon, volunteers with the Minden Healthcare Auxiliary, are reminding the public to have cash in their pockets July 12 as the group brings its annual ‘tag day’ fundraiser back to the downtown.

From 9:30 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. volunteers will be at Canadian Tire, Tim Hortons, Foodland, Valu-Mart, Home Hardware and Pharmasave collecting donations, which will be used to upgrade the Haliburton Highlands Health Services site in Minden. Volunteers will also be at Boshkung Social from 2 to 6 p.m.

Despite losing its emergency department last summer, the former hospital site still provides services to the community – Simon says the auxiliary supports facility upgrades and equipment purchases throughout the facility, though has focused primarily on Hyland Crest over the past 12 months.

The group recently gifted $40,000 to HHHS for several upgrades and also invested around $5,000 supporting an adult day program at the site.

“Now we’ve spent all our money, we need to fill the coffers back up again,” Bradley said.

The auxiliary is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year. Formed in 2000, the volunteer group has raised and donated approximately $360,000 to the Minden site.

Simon confirmed the auxiliary renewed its commitment in May to support HHHS for at least another year.

“We generally have monies that come in yearly from donors who received great care here and want to donate or are just long-term residents of Minden and want to give back. If we disappeared, who would collect that money?” Simon asked. “We felt we should carry on.”

The auxiliary boasts 43 members, of which 20 actively give their time planning events, running the gift shop at the Minden facility, and assisting with programs for long-term care residents. Simon said they’re a “small, mighty team” that could benefit from some new blood.

The group meets three times annually for general meetings, with members required to complete at least one three-hour shift at the gift shop each month. The gift shop is open Tuesday to Thursday and Saturdays from noon to 3 p.m.

Bradley said ‘tag day’ is the only regular fundraiser the auxiliary has – she feels it’s important for the community to show their support as HHHS relies on donations to upgrade its facilities.

“We are focusing on long-term care right now. We all know there have been so many cutbacks within the healthcare system in the last few years and long-term care facilities only receive operating costs [from the province]. There’s no way for organizations like HHHS to put money into the maintenance of equipment, buying new equipment, changing spaces – this is where we step in to provide support,” Bradley said.

“Auxiliaries are needed to fund the things the government isn’t – often very important things,” she added.

For more information on the auxiliary, or to become a member, visit or contact 705-457-1392 ext. 2927.