Heart warming stories of perseverance and determination were shared amongst the crowd at this year’s Adult Alternative Education Centre graduation ceremony on June 26.

Martin Gage, vice principal, stressed the notion that everyone walks a different path in life but no matter how windy it might be, there is always a choice to succeed.

“A mentor of mine once told me, there are many paths to the top of the mountain. But once you’re there, the view is the same,” he said.

The students at the centre are of all ages and work towards their Grade 12 diploma in a time frame that works best for them.

Some have children or full-time jobs and other just decided to finish high school in a different setting.

Graduate Hasan Wiso came from Syria to make a better life here in Canada.

He learned English from scratch through the school and his job at McKecks and spoke about how thankful he was for everyone in the community who has supported him.

“This, these people, are my family,” he said. “I am so thankful to be here and graduating with them.”

Standing at the podium placed in the back of McKecks, Lori Sargent, a teacher at the school, told stories of her students. She explained how she met them, the challenges they’ve endured and how they’ve excelled.


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